Corporate Finance and Deal Advisory
We offer a dedicated team of experienced individuals with a focus on successfully executing transactions for corporates and financial institutions. We offer an integrated approach, with our corporate finance specialists working seamlessly with tax and other specialists to ensure that every angle is covered.
Digital Risk
Grant Thornton offers solutions to the digital risk issues you are sure to face. Our skilled and experienced security team can helping by advising and consulting, giving you peace of mind, clear value for money and an enhanced ability to react to attacks.
Technology Consulting
Motivating and assisting our clients to pursue, maintain and secure the benefits of digital solutions is at the core of our Digital Transformation teams' agenda and goals. We work with business leaders to deliver efficient digital strategies and operating models that provide new or enhanced capabilities.
Economic Advisory
Our all-island Economics Advisory team combines expertise in economics and business with a wealth of experience across the public and private sectors.
Forensic Accounting
We have a different way of doing business by delivering real insight through a combination of technical rigour, commercial experience and intuitive judgment. We take pride in delivering responsive and tailored solutions to all our clients, capitalising on the wealth of experience housed within our Belfast and wider Forensics team
People and Change Consulting
The Grant Thornton People & Change Consulting practice works with clients on these issues as well as on all aspects of how they attract, retain, engage develop, deploy and lead their people.
We work with a wide variety of clients and stakeholders such as high street banks, private equity funds, directors, government agencies and creditors to implement solutions which provide the best possible outcomes.
Corporate and International Tax
Northern Ireland businesses face further challenges as they operate in the only part of the UK that has a land border with a country offering a lower tax rate.
Employer Solutions
Our team specialises in remuneration and incentive planning and works closely with employers, shareholders and employees to ensure that business strategies are aligned and goals achieved in the most tax efficient, cost-effective manner.
Entrepreneur and Private Client Taxes
Our team of experienced advisors are on hand to guide you through any decision or transaction ranging from the establishment of new business ventures, to realising value on exit, to succession planning and providing for loved ones.
Global Mobility Services
Grant Thornton Ireland offer a different approach to managing global mobility. We have brought together specialists from our tax, global payroll, people and change and financial accounting teams across Ireland and Northern Ireland, while drawing on the knowledge and insights of our global network of over 143 offices of mobility professionals to provide you with a holistic approach to managing global mobility.
Outsourced Payroll
Our outsourced service provides valued service to over 150 separate PAYE schemes. These ranging from 1 to 1000 employees, working for micro, SME and global employers. The service is supported by the integrated network of tax and global mobility teams and the wider Grant Thornton network delivering a seamless service. Experienced staff deliver a personal service built around your business needs.
Tax Disputes and Investigations
Our Tax Disputes and Investigation team is made up of tax experts and former HMRC investigators who have years of experience in dealing with a variety of tax investigations. Our expertise and insight can guide you through all interactions, keeping your cost at a minimum while allowing you to continue with the day to day running of your business.
VAT and Indirect Taxes
At Grant Thornton (NI) LLP, our team helps Northern Ireland businesses manage their UK and global indirect tax risks which, as transactional taxes, can quickly become big liabilities.
Many businesses across Northern Ireland have seen their doors shut with no indication of when they might open again as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. Not only should you be aware of the trading impact of the pandemic on your business, but also the impact that the current situation may have on your financial statements.
Uncertainty surrounding Brexit and mounting global trade and growth concerns were already causing consternation even before the Covid-19 outbreak. Your business should now be reviewing how to manage the widespread disruption to supply chains, and how to continue trading with the lack of availability or delays to supplies. For many businesses, already under pressure, the impact of this further disruption may be more than they can bear. It is important that you asses how your business has been impacted by COVID-19 , and how this affects the going concern assumption. Where issues are identified in relation to the going concern assumption, additional disclosures may be required.
You should also consider if your business will require a post balance sheet event disclosure in your financial statements. For example, at 31 December 2019 there were few reported cases and little confirmed evidence of Covid-19 spread amongst humans, therefore the pandemic would not have an effect on balances within the financial statements at 31 December 2019. However, it would be what is known as a ‘non-adjusting event’. Where the impact of the outbreak is material to the financial statements, this will need to be disclosed in the notes as a post balance sheet event, along with an estimate of the financial effect. If the financial effect is not yet known, then this must be also be disclosed.
Where stock is material to the financial statements, your auditors will need to gain comfort over its existence at the reporting date. As a result, they will be required to observe the physical stock count unless it is impracticable to do so. If due to the Coronavirus, attendance at the stock count is impractical, then it may be possible to carry out alternative procedures. For example, if you can carry out your stock count at a later date, your auditors can attend this count, and roll-back procedures can be performed. In order to perform roll-back procedures, your auditors will need access to all stock movement since the year-end, so you need to ensure your records reflect this. Alternatively, technology could be utilised and if you are carrying out your stock count, but your auditors cannot attend, they could potentially attend by video call. If it is not possible for your auditors to obtain evidence of stock at the reporting date, then this will have an impact on the audit report.
This situation is changing rapidly. Keeping in touch with your auditor or accountant throughout this time will mean that any potential impact to your financial statements won’t come as a surprise.