Business Risk Services
Our Business Risk Services team deliver practical and pragmatic solutions that support clients in growing and protecting the inherent value of their businesses.
Corporate Finance and Deal Advisory
We offer a dedicated team of experienced individuals with a focus on successfully executing transactions for corporates and financial institutions. We offer an integrated approach, with our corporate finance specialists working seamlessly with tax and other specialists to ensure that every angle is covered.
Economic Advisory
Our all-island Economics Advisory team combines expertise in economics and business with a wealth of experience across the public and private sectors.
Forensic Accounting
We have a different way of doing business by delivering real insight through a combination of technical rigour, commercial experience and intuitive judgment. We take pride in delivering responsive and tailored solutions to all our clients, capitalising on the wealth of experience housed within our Belfast and wider Forensics team
People and Change Consulting
The Grant Thornton People & Change Consulting practice works with clients on these issues as well as on all aspects of how they attract, retain, engage develop, deploy and lead their people.
We work with a wide variety of clients and stakeholders such as high street banks, private equity funds, directors, government agencies and creditors to implement solutions which provide the best possible outcomes.
Technology Consulting
Motivating and assisting our clients to pursue, maintain and secure the benefits of digital solutions is at the core of our Digital Transformation teams' agenda and goals. We work with business leaders to deliver efficient digital strategies and operating models that provide new or enhanced capabilities.
Corporate and International Tax
Northern Ireland businesses face further challenges as they operate in the only part of the UK that has a land border with a country offering a lower tax rate.
Employer Solutions
Our team specialises in remuneration and incentive planning and works closely with employers, shareholders and employees to ensure that business strategies are aligned and goals achieved in the most tax efficient, cost-effective manner.
Entrepreneur and Private Client Taxes
Our team of experienced advisors are on hand to guide you through any decision or transaction ranging from the establishment of new business ventures, to realising value on exit, to succession planning and providing for loved ones.
Global Mobility Services
Grant Thornton Ireland offer a different approach to managing global mobility. We have brought together specialists from our tax, global payroll, people and change and financial accounting teams across Ireland and Northern Ireland, while drawing on the knowledge and insights of our global network of over 143 offices of mobility professionals to provide you with a holistic approach to managing global mobility.
Outsourced Payroll
Our outsourced service provides valued service to over 150 separate PAYE schemes. These ranging from 1 to 1000 employees, working for micro, SME and global employers. The service is supported by the integrated network of tax and global mobility teams and the wider Grant Thornton network delivering a seamless service. Experienced staff deliver a personal service built around your business needs.
Tax Disputes and Investigations
Our Tax Disputes and Investigation team is made up of tax experts and former HMRC investigators who have years of experience in dealing with a variety of tax investigations. Our expertise and insight can guide you through all interactions, keeping your cost at a minimum while allowing you to continue with the day to day running of your business.
VAT and Indirect Taxes
At Grant Thornton (NI) LLP, our team helps Northern Ireland businesses manage their UK and global indirect tax risks which, as transactional taxes, can quickly become big liabilities.

Land Remediation Relief enables companies to claim corporation tax relief at 150% of the qualifying expenditure on remediating contaminated land or buildings.
First introduced in 2001 and subsequently updated in Corporation Tax Act 2009, Land Remediation Relief is a valuable and frequently overlooked tax incentive.
Now, more than ever, companies are realising the importance of developing their Corporate Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) policy with many focusing on environmental awareness.
The Land Remediation Relief measures were introduced by the UK government to encourage commercial property owners, investors and developers acquiring property to embrace good environmental and sustainability strategies. Expenditure on remedying affected land therefore compliments a high quality CSR strategy.
What is Land Remediation Relief and how to claim it?
Land Remediation Relief is a corporation tax incentive which is available to companies that acquire, from a third party, contaminated or derelict land in the UK, for the purpose of their trade or UK property business. The relief can also apply to non-UK resident companies that carry on a UK property business or have some other sourced property income.
Companies can claim an enhanced deduction of 150% for certain categories of expenditure in remediating the contaminated land or bringing the derelict land back into use. These costs may be either capital or revenue in nature and the relief includes expenditure relating to staffing costs, professional fees, materials and certain sub-contracted costs.
In order to qualify for the relief a company must also hold a ‘major interest’ in the land or property (a freehold or a minimum seven year lease) and must make an election by including the claim in their respective corporation tax return.
It might be worth noting that the ‘polluter pays’ principle applies, such that no relief can be claimed if the company, or any party connected to the company, is responsible for causing the contamination or dereliction.
So what is ‘contaminated’ or ‘derelict’ land?
Land is in a ‘contaminated state’ if, and only if, the contamination is in, on or under the land, and relevant harm is being caused, or there is a serious possibility that relevant harm to living organisms, pollution to controlled waters, damage to ecosystems or significant damage or interference with buildings can occur.
The contamination must also have been caused as a result of industrial activities, except for the presence of natural contaminants such as arsenic, radon or Japanese knotweed, with the most common occurring contamination relating to the identification, removal and treatment of asbestos.
Relief can also be claimed for Derelict Land which is land not in productive use since April 1998 and which cannot be put into productive use without the removal of buildings and other structures. This is often building foundations, machinery basis, reinforced concrete pile caps or redundant services located underground.
The Corporation Tax Benefit of Land Remediation Relief
Land Remediation Relief can provide corporation tax benefits under one of two methods, depending on whether the company is profit or loss making.
For companies with a taxable profit, the enhanced qualifying expenditure can be deducted from the company’s profits, reducing the corporation tax liability. The total relief is 150% of the qualifying costs incurred for either revenue or capital purposes.
For example, a company incurring qualifying spend of £100k could receive an additional corporation tax deduction of £50k in addition to the £100k deducted for the initial spend. With the main rate of corporation tax now at 25%, enhanced deductions can be valuable to companies, illustrated by a tax saving of £37.5k on the total enhanced qualifying expenditure above.
Alternatively, if a company is not profitable it may choose to surrender its tax loss for cash. Broadly this can result in a tax credit of 16% of the lower of the tax loss created or 150% of the related qualifying land remediation expenditure.
A company with a trading loss of £200k and a qualifying spend of £100k would receive an enhanced deduction of £150k (being £100k uplifted by 50%). The total enhancement expenditure of £150k could be surrendered for a tax credit up to £24k.
In Summary
Land Remediation Relief is a generous tax incentive for companies to regenerate contaminated land, while contributing to both local communities and environmental sustainability.
The legislation can be complex and it is important that due care is taken to ensure expenditure qualifies for the relief and that appropriate documentation is in place to support claims.
Our team of tax experts can provide assistance in identifying, assessing qualifying claims, and ensuring compliance of claims included within the relevant corporation tax return form.